
omg I'm losing my taste!

Ack! Well... As it all goes, the first story is always better than the last. Dun worry. "I'm watching Detective Conan to improve my detective skills!" Hahaha. I remember I posted that in the story long ago...

Mishka and Yanna rushed outside the house.
"Oh man!" Mishka cried in frustration. "He's gone!"
The sound of a motorcycle was heard.
Yanna looked. "Jasper?"
Jasper and Almira were riding on a motorcycle at top speed. In a few seconds they were gone.

Time stopped. Joshua appeared out of nowhere. "See here, Jasper and Almira are on a motorbike. Clearly, it says 87-000 Jollibee Delivery. Also, you can still smell the taste of Chickenjoy mixed with gasoline. Proves 1 thing. Jasper REALLY IS behind the Jollibee mask!"
"LABO! Booooooo!"
A tomato hit Joshua in the face. "Ouch! What was that for??? Anyways, are jazper and almira really trying to save me??? Or are they more concerned with delivering the chickenjoy?"
A big bookcase narrowly missed Joshua.
"Who threw that? Gotta run!"
Time continued.

Joshua got a piece of paper. The driver's more concerned with Jaz and Almira. I guess it's my time to write a note...
He took out his handy dandy pen and paper.
"To pfkada:
He is taking me to B.."
"What do you think you are doing???" the driver got the paper from Joshua. Tore it to pieces.
"Trying to tell them where I'm bringing you?? Well kiddie widdy, I'm not letting you."

Jazper and Almira rode at 100 mph on the supposedly "borrowed" Jollibee Delivery motorcycle. Jasper asked, "How did you know that driver was a fake??"
Almira replied, "No time, follow him! I bet he has something to do with Mishka's framing!"
Jasper took a sidestreet and turned right at an alley.
"Where are you going?"
Dead end. A long wooden plank was inclined. One end touching the floor. The other end on the wall. "Hold on."
"Do you have to say so??"
The motorcycle rode on the plank up to the top. They flew over the sky. The taxi was directly below them, beside it a large truck.
Jazper carried Almira and they both jumped out of the bike in mid-air landing squarely on top of the truck.
They saw Joshua on the windscreen nodding his head, saying no.

As Mishka and Yanna watched the motorcycle, a man dressed in black clothing, similar to the taxi driver, approached them from behind. He hit Mishka on the head with a stick. Mishka fell. Yanna saw with her peripheral vision and immediately gave a karate black-belt level kick. Unfortunately it missed. The person grabbed her leg and twisted it, causing her whole body to fall on the ground. Both unconscious.
Mishka mumbled, "aaa idnahfmsl"
Yanna mumbled, "shoes on sale"
The man threw the stick to the floor and stole Mishka's laptop. He opened it and got a blank diskette. He placed it inside the drive. A few minutes later, he got the diskette and dropped the laptop on the floor. He drew a gun from inside his black jacket.
Nooo not now... Mishka and Yanna thought together as they lay down on the floor.

Nicah heard Yanna's S.O.S. signal with her earring speakers. She quickly told Jem, "They're in trouble."
Jem replied, "Go."
Nicah rushed and borrowed a McDonalds motorcycle. "Sorry Jasper."
"Now how to drive this thing..."

A boy not older than Mishka was riding a motorcycle.
"Hey, how do you drive this thing?" Nicah asked.
The boy smiled at her. "The secret is in the..."

"THE SECRET IS IN THE WHAT???!" Nicah shouted.
She banged her hand on the bars.
"Ahh!" She whispered and rushed off.
A traffic light.
"Do I have to follow traffic rules when my friends are in danger?"
She took her chance and drove through the intersection. Narrowly missing a Ferrari, a policeman started chasing her in his motorcycle.
She saw Mishka and Yanna in front of Mishka's house. A man in black pointed a gun at them. He looked at her and quickly vanished. In thin air.
Mishka saw, "What?"
Yanna couldn't believe her eyes.
Nicah stopped her motorcycle right in front of the scene. The policeman was there right behind her.
The officer said, "First off, I need an explanation."
But what they saw couldn't have had an explanation, could it?

Jasper jumped towards the taxi.
"No!" Joshua mouthed. The taxi swerved to the left, missing Jasper. And Jasper fell on the asphalt. "AHH!"
A car stopped just in time.

Almira was still on top of the truck. The truck slowed down at an intersection. The taxi turned to the right. Apparently, the truck was going to turn left. But she noticed something inside the car, looking through the window. Joshua threw a piece of paper outside his window! Almira hurriedly jumped and ran to retrieve the paper just before the wind took it.

It was old notebook paper, all crumpled and stuff.
The only thing written there was a list.


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