

Wahhh! Since we had no classes today, I have to make up on one Saturday! Haha. Our bonding is postponed. Hahah.

Anyway, let me continue the story. This is what Jasper said.

The man chuckled and pressed the button. He laughed as all the doors closed and a timer started counting, "5..4..3.."
The kids all shouted, except Joshua, who was asleep. "2..1..0...Initiating"


Joshua woke up. "Phew! It was only a dream" Then he saw a picture of the explding mansios.

Now that's a weird story. Who in the world would picture an exploding house at the precise second?

Now, this is my cont. Thanks Jazz for the idea.

The man smiled and chuckled. *cough*
He clicked the button. The timer sounded counting. "5 mins."
The old man smiled evilly, "Goodbye! Hehehe." And he died.
As soon as Yanna noticed that, the kids ran as fast as they can. But Jasper and Joshua were slowing them down. Then suddenly, a door closed in front of them. "4 mins. 30 seconds"
A computer was on the wall. "Enter Password"

Nicah looked at Carlos. "Do you know the password to override the doors?"
Carlos panicked. "Unfortunately no. But I heard it was related to Sherlock Holmes."
Jem typed Sherlock, Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Watson, but nothing worked.
Carlos said, "Try other detectives."
Yanna typed Kudo Shinichi. Wrong. Edogawa Conan. Wrong.
Nicah asked, "Why'd you write that?"
Yanna replied, "Umm... Nothing..."
"4 mins"

They panicked. Joshua was sleeping. Jasper was hurt.
Jasper thought and coughingly said. "6457530"
Nicah typed it and miraculously the door opened.
Nicah asked, "How did you know?"
Jasper replied, "Help me now. Help you later."
"3 mins. 30 seconds."

They ran and typed as fast as they can. They reached one door however with a diff. password.
"2 mins 45 seconds"
Carlos said. "I don't know anythin else!"
Nicah replied. "What will we do?"
"2 mins. 30 seconds"
They panicked. Typing everything they can.
Suddenly Jem, unconsciously wroted "cows". The door opened.
"1 min. 30 seconds"
Jem said, "I have no idea why they put that!"
And they ran to the front door. One last computer.
"45 seconds"
Jasper said. "We have no time." And with his last ounce of strength, he pushed a wooden wall beside the door. Sunlight.
Jasper fell. Nicah rushed to help him. "Leave me..." he said.
Nicah urged him on, "No, I won't."
Yanna and Jem rushed out of the mansion, carrying the small Joshua in their arms.
Carlos ran to the street after them.
Nicah and Jasper were left.
Carlos shouted, "Come on!!!"
"10 seconds"
Nicah looked at Jasper, "Jasper!!"
Jasper looked at Nicah. "Nicah!"
Jasper rolled over, putting Nicah under him.

Carlos, Jem, and Yanna watched the mansion, as it exploded with Jasper and Nicah outside it.
They stood there. As if waiting for them to come out of the smoke.
Nothing came out.
The girls sobbbed and went inside the car, putting Joshua in the back seat. Carlos watched. Tell me the medicine worked...
As they were about to leave, a shadow came out of the smoke. A tall person leaning on a small girl. Nicah and Jasper.
"Yes!" Yanna and Jem shouted.
Carlos smiled. Yep. It worked.
Soon they were all going home. Carlos dropped of in one corner.
"I'll be finding a new home. Thanks!"
Nicah asked him. "Are you okay by yourself?"
"Yeah! Bye Guys! Thanks! God Bless!"
And they separated their ways.


Joshua woke up on a bed. It was not his bedroom. No.
He saw a picture of Yanna, Jasper, Jem, Nicah and Carlos. And a small kid.
Why am I not there?
He fell of the bed. He stood up. I suddenly feel like I shrunk.
He looked at the mirror and the picture.
"Oh man..." He said.


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